Billions is a Showtime TV series about a federal district attorney (Chuck Rhoades) (aka a Preet) attempting to imprison a hedge fund manager (Bobby Axelrod). This is yet another excellent propaganda piece by the pantsuits. The characterizations are so very careful - Chuck is into S&M - but we know it’s OK because his “dom” is his wife. We are reminded often of his nobility in “serving” the public (i.e. living off of the public’s stolen taxes) as opposed to the many opportunities he has to reap massive rewards from working in the “private” sector by of course using his connections in the state apparatus.
The writers of the show (well, really, the sophists) ensure that every unethical action - such as opening a fake investigation to take the heat off of a mole - is backed up by a lengthy dialog of middle school fallacies. The reason it’s excellent is the mindfuck they’re trying to pull by setting up the conflict to be between the government and the free market when in fact the conflict is between the government and the government. See this situation here we’ve created by banning sound money and enabling regulatory capture? Well we’re going to solve it by infringing on your property rights, privacy, right to trial by jury, etc. And it’s all ok because, while we ourselves lack morality, we are certain that in this case this inidividual should rot in a cage.
Somehow the series managed to hold off the serious SJWism until the final three episodes, in which we discover one heroic character is in a gay marriage, the white judge who stands up for property rights is racist, and the assistant (possibly native american) DA dumps the white chick for the super smart, wealthy black chick who thinks that, you know, our democracy isn’t perfect, but it’s the better than the alternatives. This is in addition to the low level background radiation of Chuck and his wife’s conflict over their careers, Axelrod and his wife’s conflict over their careers, a female psychiatrist really being just as important as all the traders who have skin and the game, and on and on.