Rule Britannica

Absolutely Nobody:

Me: Let’s scrape the 1910 Encyclopedia Britannica and load it up into an mp-wp instance.

When writing qntra articles I often found myself depending on Pediwiki to find original sources when doing background checks. This was a revolting experience to say the least.

To address this, I am standing up an mp-wp instance containing the the entire 11th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica, which is available in unusable form only from the Internet Archive and Project Gutenberg. It goes without saying that this will be added to lekythion’s search index.

Obviously it won’t contain bios of more recent public figures, but it is a start, and would perhaps have come in handy when writing the unpersoning piece.

I look forward to being able to reference specific phrases/lines in the best encyclopedia ever.

2 Responses to “Rule Britannica”

  1. What happened to this?

  2. thimbronion says:

    I have a sample dump from the people I hired to do the scraping. I need to approve that, then load it into a mp-wb db.

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